As a coach, I help you:
- Work on your business in a holistic way.
- Align your professional goals with your personal lifelstyle.
- Define your brand & help you develop a business mindset.
- Understand and monitor key business activities.
design your work around your lifestyle
This is an area where I see a lot of potential value for small business owners. How do you make your business work for the lifestyle you desire and not the other way around? In our work together, I will help you design a business structure that works for you.
DEFINE your Brand
People often start a business around an idea, but what is next? How do you define the space that you want your business to evolve within? How do you grow your brand in that space? I will help you define the perimeter of your business, making it easier to differentiate and position your brand in an optimal way.
Business Mindset
Not all entrepreneurs have a business mindset. I will work with you to view your business as a living entity, optimizing its inputs and outputs while also adding some fun in the process. I offer direction on planning, prioritizing and executing in an efficient way, bringing you more peace of mind.
Basic business development techniques
I will help you understand and manage key areas for your business such as:
- Branding strategy
- Experience pipeline
- Sales and Marketing
- Planning
- Information System
- Supply Chain
- Accounting and Financials
- Reporting and Key Performance Indicators